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ClientBase Properties

The ClientBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConnected
Gets a value indicating whether the underlying Socket is connected to a remote host. This property makes a nonblocking, zero-byte Send call to determine the current state of the connection.
Public propertyInstanceId
Gets a randomly generated unique id that identifies this instance.
Public propertyIsCompressed
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether communication to the remote server is compressed. You can turn compression on by using Compress method.
Public propertyIsEncrypted
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether communication to the remote server is encrypted.
Public propertyIsMutuallyAuthenticated
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether communication to the remote server is mutually authenticated.
Public propertyIsSigned
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether communication to the remote server is signed.
Public propertyReadStream
Gets underlying read stream for current connection.
Public propertyReceiveTimeout
Gets or sets the amount of time the underlying Socket will wait to receive data once a read operation is initiated.
Public propertySendTimeout
Gets or sets the amount of time the underlying Socket will wait for a send operation to complete successfully.
Public propertySocket
Gets the underlying Socket.
Public propertySSLConfiguration
Gets SSL/TLS configuration (client certificates, enabled SSL/TLS protocols).
Public propertyWriteStream
Gets underlying write stream for current connection.
See Also