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Limilabs.Mail.Appointments Namespace

iCalendar appointments namespace.
Public classAlarm
Represents alarm calendar entity. You can use AddAlarm or AddAlarm(Alarm) to add alarm to event. You can check Alarms collection to get alarms defined for a event.
Public classAlarmAction
Represents action that should be taken when alarm is raised. You can use static fields of this class: Display and Audio.
Public classAppointment
Represents appointment calendar entity. To get all appointments, that an email contains, you can use Appointments collection. You can add appointment to an email using AddAppointment(Appointment) or AddAppointment(Appointment) methods.
Public classAppointmentParser
iCalendar appointment parser.
Public classBaseTimeZoneOffset
Base class for standard and daylight savings time of a time zone.
Public classDaylightOffset
Represents daylight savings time of a time zone.
Public classEvent
Represents event calendar entity.
Public classEventClass
Represents class of the event.
Public classEventStatus
Represents event status.
Public classFrequency
Represents frequency of the recurring event. You can use Interval to specify interval greater than one.
Public classMethod
Represents method of the appointment.
Public classParticipant
Represents event participant.
Public classParticipantType
Represents participant type.
Public classParticipationRole
Represents user participation role.
Public classParticipationStatus
Represents user participation status.
Public classPerson
Represents a person.
Public classRecurrenceId
Represents "RECURRENCE-ID" property (RecurrenceId). The full range of calendar components specified by a recurrence set is referenced by referring to just the UID property value corresponding to the calendar component. The "RECURRENCE-ID" property allows the reference to an individual instance within the recurrence set. The "RECURRENCE-ID" property is used in conjunction with the UID and Sequence property to identify a particular instance of a recurring event. For a given pair of UID and Sequence property values, the "RECURRENCE-ID" value for a recurrence instance is fixed.
Public classRecurrenceIdRange
Represents value of Range property. You can use static fields of this class such as: ThisAndPrior and ThisAndFuture.
Public classRecurringRule
Represents recurring rule for a event. You can use AddRecurringRule or AddRecurringRule(RecurringRule) to make event recurring. You can check RecurringRules collection to get all recurring rules defined for a event.
Public classRelativeTo
Represents information about AlarmOffset relation.
Public classStandardOffset
Represents standard time of a time zone.
Public classVTimeZone
Represents time zone entity.
Public classWeekday
Represents the day of the week.
new Weekday(2, Weekday.Monday) // represents second Monday
new Weekday(-1, Weekday.Friday) // represents last Friday