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AttachmentReplacerConfiguration Properties

The AttachmentReplacerConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyNoFileNameTemplate
Gets or sets the template for attachments that have no name specified. You can use [FileName], [Size] and [Tag] placeholders.
Public propertyReplaceAlternatives
Gets or sets the value indicating, if Alternatives elements should also be replaced. Default is true.
Public propertyReplaceNonVisuals
Gets or sets the value indicating, if NonVisuals elements should be replaced. Default is true.
Public propertyReplaceVisuals
Gets or sets the value indicating, if Visuals elements should also be replaced. Default is true.
Public propertyShouldReplace
Gets or sets the callback that is invoked for all canditates to be replaced. Default callback return true.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets tag generating function. You can use this property to generate unique id for replaced attachment, that can be used in Template or NoFileNameTemplate templates using [Tag] placeholder.
Public propertyTemplate
Gets or sets the template for attachments that have name specified. You can use [FileName], [Size] and [Tag] placeholders.
See Also