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SignatureConfiguration Properties

The SignatureConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlgorithm
Gets or sets the signing algorithm. You can use one of the CommonOids static values. Default is SHA1 (Sha1).
Public propertyCertificate
Gets or sets the certificate that will be used to sign the message.
Public propertyDetachedSignature
Gets or sets the value indicating if detached signature will be used. Detached signature has better backward compability as S/MIME unaware clients are able to access the signed data. Default is true.
Public propertyForceBase64Encoding
Some older system may have problems recognizing ApplicationPkcs7Mime entities encoded with anything else than Base64. This setting forces Base64 encoding, even when for example QuotedPrintable would be more efficient choice.
Public propertyIncludeOption
Gets or sets the option that controls whether the root and entire chain associated with the signing certificate are included with the created CMS/PKCS #7 message. Default is WholeChain.
See Also