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MailBuilder Class

Provides methods for IMail object creation. You should use CreateFromEml(Byte) if you already have an eml data downloaded via Pop3 or Imap client. You should use other properties and Create method to create message that you'll send using Smtp client.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Limilabs.Mail
Assembly:  Mail (in Mail.dll) Version: 3.0.23341.1754
public class MailBuilder

The MailBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodMailBuilder
Creates new MailBuilder object.
Public propertyAlternatives
Public propertyBcc
Gets the address(es) of others who are to receive this email message ('BCC', Blind Carbon Copy header), even tough the content of the message may not be directed at them. You can use MailBox to represent single mailbox, or MailGroup to represent group of email addresses. BCC header is not rendered when Render method is used, however it is rendered when message is saved using Save(String) method.
Public propertyCc
Gets the address(es) of others who are to receive this email message ('CC', Carbon Copy header), even tough the content of the message may not be directed at them. You can use MailBox to represent single mailbox, or MailGroup to represent group of email addresses.
Public propertyCreatePlainTextAutomatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if plain text version of a body is extracted from HTML when Html ot Rtf property is set. Default is true.
Public propertyDate
Gets or sets the send date of a email message ('Date' header). If null, Date is set automatically to current date and time when Create method is used.
Public propertyEnvelopeFrom
Gets or sets the address of the sender taken from the SMTP envelope (SMTP "MAIL FROM").
Public propertyEnvelopeTo
Gets or sets the address of the recipient taken from the SMTP envelope (SMTP "RCTP FROM").
Public propertyExtractRfc822Automatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if message (MessageRfc822, MessageGlobal) being a single root should be extracted. Default is true.
Public propertyFrom
Gets the author(s) of this email message ('From' header). If it's empty, email message is NOT RFC 2822 compliant.
Public propertyHtml
Gets or sets HTML version of the email. If value is not empty extracts plain text from HTML and overrides Text property.
Public propertyImportance
Gets or sets the importance of a email message ('Importance' header). Consider using PriorityHigh or PriorityLow methods instead of setting this field.
Public propertyInReplyTo
Gets or sets the id of the parent email message ('In-Reply-To' header). Does not include surrounding brackets (< and >).
Public propertyMessageID
Gets or sets id of a email message ('Message-ID' header). Does not include surrounding brackets (< and >). If not set or set to null generated automatically.
Public propertyMimeConfiguration
Gets MIME configuration (automatic binhex, apple, uue, tnef, rfc822 processing).
Public propertyNonVisuals
Public propertyNotificationTo
Gets the disposition notifications address(es) ('Disposition-Notification-To' header). Consider using RequestReadReceipt method instead of adding addresses to this property.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets the priority of a email message ('Priority' header). Consider using PriorityHigh or PriorityLow methods instead of setting this field.
Public propertyProcessAppleAutomatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if files stored in AppleSingle (ApplicationAppleFile) and AppleDouble (MultipartAppleDouble) entities should be extracted. Default is true.
Public propertyProcessBinHexAutomatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if file stored in BinHex attachments (ApplicationBinHex) should be extracted. Default is true.
Public propertyProcessTnefAutomatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if TNEF attachments (winmail.dat) should be processed. TNEF processing extracts attachments and RTF data from TNEF file and removes TNEF from attachments collections afterwards. Default is true.
Public propertyProcessUueAutomatically
Gets or sets a value indicating if inline UUE attachments should be extracted. Default is true.
Public propertyRcptTo
Gets or sets the address of the recipient taken from the SMTP envelope (SMTP "RCTP FROM").
Public propertyReferences
Gets unique ids (MessageID) of the referenced email messages ('References' header). Does not include brackets (< and >).
Public propertyRemoveInlinedUue
Gets or sets a value indicating if text representation of inline UUE attachments should be removed from Text. Default is false. This property has no affect if ProcessUueAutomatically is set to false.
Public propertyReplyTo
Gets email address(es) to which the author of this email message suggests that replies be sent ('Reply-to' header). You can use MailBox to represent single mailbox, or MailGroup to represent group of email addresses.
Public propertyReturnPath
Gets or sets return path address ('Return-Path' header). Does not include brackets (< and >).
Public propertyReturnReceiptTo
Gets return receipt address(es) ('Return-Receipt-To' header). Consider using RequestReadReceipt method instead of adding addresses to this property.
Public propertyRtf
Gets or sets RTF version of the email. If value is not empty extracts plain text from RTF and overrides Text property.
Public propertySender
Gets or sets mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of this email message ('Sender' header).
Public propertySensitivity
Gets or sets the sensitivity of a email message ('Sensitivity' header).
Public propertySetDefaults
Gets or set the value indicating whether default values (MessageID, Date, Sender) should be set. Default is true.
Public propertySMIMEConfiguration
Gets or sets S/MIME configuration (automatic decryption, signed message extraction, certificates used for decryption and signature validation).
Public propertySubject
Gets or sets subject of a message ('Subject' header).
Public propertyText
Gets or sets plain text version of the email. Please remember that setting Html will override plain text.
Public propertyTo
Gets address(es) of the primary recipient(s) of this email message ('To' header). You can use MailBox to represent single mailbox, or MailGroup to represent group of email addresses.
Public propertyVisuals
Public propertyXConfirmReadingTo
Gets confirm reading address(es) ('X-Confirm-Reading-To' header). Consider using RequestReadReceipt method instead of adding addresses to this property.
Public propertyXEnvelopeFrom
Gets or sets the address of the sender taken from the SMTP envelope (SMTP "MAIL FROM").
Public propertyXPriority
Gets or sets the X-Priority of this email message ('X-Priority' header) (Outlook specific). Value ranges from "1" to "5" where "1" is the highest priority, "3" is normal, and "5" is the lowest priority. Consider using PriorityHigh or PriorityLow methods instead of setting this field.
Public propertyXRcptTo
Gets or sets the address of the recipient taken from the SMTP envelope (SMTP "RCTP FROM").
Public methodAddAlternative(Byte)
Adds alternative view for this message.
Public methodAddAlternative(MimeBase)
Adds alternative view for this message.
Public methodAddAppointment
Adds specified appointment as alternative view for this message.
Public methodAddAttachment(Byte)
Adds attachment with specified data.
Public methodAddAttachment(String)
Adds attachment. Data are read from the specified file.
Public methodAddAttachment(MimeData)
Adds attachment.
Public methodAddCustomHeader
Adds custom header that will be added to IMail object after creation.
Public methodAddVCard
Adds specified VCARD as attachment to this message.
Public methodAddVisual(Byte)
Adds visual object with specified data.
Public methodAddVisual(String)
Adds visual object. Data are read from the specified file.
Public methodAddVisual(MimeData)
Adds visual object.
Public methodCreate
Creates new IMail using builder configuration.
Public methodCreateFromDocument Obsolete.
Creates new IMail using specified MIME document.
Public methodCreateFromEml(Byte)
Creates new IMail using specified eml raw data.
Public methodCreateFromEml(String) Obsolete.
Creates new IMail using specified eml raw data string.
Public methodCreateFromEmlFile
Loads raw eml data from file and creates new IMail object.
Public methodDKIMSign(ListDKIMSignatureConfiguration)
Signs the message with multiple DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures.
Public methodDKIMSign(RSACryptoServiceProvider, DKIMSignatureInfo)
Signs the message using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signature. You can call this method multiple times to have several DKIM signatures present in the resulting message.
Public methodDKIMSign(RSACryptoServiceProvider, String, String)
Signs the message using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signature. You can call this method multiple times to have several DKIM signatures present in the resulting message.
Public methodEncryptWith(X509Certificate2)
Encrypts the message using specified certificate. You can call this method multiple times to use several certificates for encryption. General rule is that both sender and receiver should be able to decrypt the message.
Public methodEncryptWith(EncryptionConfiguration)
Encrypts the message using specified encryption configuration.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLoadHtml(String)
Sets HTML version of the message. Modifies passed HTML, so that img tags reference inline images. Adds all images that can be found on disk to Visuals collection. Extracts plain text from HTML and overrides Text property.
Public methodLoadHtml(String, LoadHtmlConfiguration)
Sets HTML version of the message. Modifies passed HTML, so that img tags reference inline images. Adds all images that can be found on disk to Visuals collection. Extracts plain text from HTML and overrides Text property.
Public methodLoadHtml(String, String)
Sets HTML version of the message. Modifies passed HTML, so that img tags reference inline images. Adds all images that can be found on disk to Visuals collection. Extracts plain text from HTML and overrides Text property.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPriorityHigh
Sets XPriority to 1, Priority to Urgent and Importance to High
Public methodPriorityLow
Sets XPriority to 5, Priority to NonUrgent and Importance to Low
Public methodRequestReadReceipt
This method copies From or ReplyTo addresses to all read receipts lists, just before email is created (using Create method). Read receipts are stored using NotificationTo, ReturnReceiptTo and XConfirmReadingTo headers.
Public methodSignWith(X509Certificate2)
Signs the message.
Public methodSignWith(SignatureConfiguration)
Signs the message.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also