+2 votes

first thanks for your great mail.dll product. it is easy use.
i have a problem that i need to check wheather given address in to or cc address collection (with out iterating collection like using msginfo.envelop.To.contains(test@gmail.com)). could you please help me


1 Answer

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Here's the code that check if specified email address is present in MailAddress collection:

if (ContainsEmail(email.To, "pat@example.com"))
    // ...

private static bool ContainsEmail(IEnumerable<MailAddress> list, string email)
    foreach (MailAddress address in list)
        if (address.GetMailboxes().ConvertAll(x => x.Address).Contains(email))
            return true;
    return false;

// Linq version:
private static bool ContainsEmail(IEnumerable<MailAddress> list, string email)
    return list.Any(address => address.GetMailboxes().ConvertAll(
        x => x.Address).Contains(email));

Here's an article that explains how to access To, Cc, Bcc email collections:

by (297k points)