Hi Guys,
I'm getting a list of FtpItems from a remote path but only want recently modified items.
As an example the variable DownloadFileModifyDate is set to 16/January/2016.
List<FtpItem> baseComparer = client.GetList(ftpFileSetting.RemotePath)
.Where(x => x.ModifyDate > DownloadFileModifyDate).ToList();
However when i look at the modified date of the files all their dates are in 2017 which is incorrect.

Looking at another FTP client FileZilla the date is correct.

Lastly calling the method on the client object client.GetFileModificationTime yields the correct result as shown below.
{2016/08/02 8:09:03 AM}
Date: {2016/08/02 12:00:00 AM}
Day: 2
DayOfWeek: Tuesday
DayOfYear: 215
Hour: 8
Kind: Local
Millisecond: 0
Minute: 9
Month: 8
Second: 3
Ticks: 636057221430000000
TimeOfDay: {08:09:03}
Year: 2016
Any help is appreciated as i'm not quite sure where to head is this a bug ?