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Can you pull emails for the last 5 days? Can you pull emails by date desc? new email first?


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You should use Search for that:

List<long> uids = imap.Search().Where(

There are several date related search expressions, that allow searching for emails within a specified range.

  • Since: Finds emails whose internal date (assigned by IMAP server on
    receive) (disregarding time and timezone) is equal or later than the
    date specified .

  • Before: Finds emails whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the date specified.

  • SentSince: Finds emails whose 'Date:' header (disregarding time and timezone) is equal or later than the date specified .

  • SentBefore: Finds emails whose 'Date:' header (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the date specified.

Entire code that performs the search using IMAP looks like this:

using (Imap imap = new Imap())
    imap.UseBestLogin("user@example.com", "password");

    List<long> uids = imap.Search().Where(

    foreach (long uid in uids)
        IMail email = new MailBuilder().CreateFromEml(

        string subject = email.Subject;
        string text = email.Text;


You can also consider using UNSEEN flag:

or remembering last processed UID:

As for sorting: uids are assigned by the server in ascending order (newer emails have higher uid), so the simplest solution is to sort uids list.

by (302k points)