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We are currently integrating your solution (Mail.dll .NET), but we have stumbled upon one issue.

  1. We have imported and referenced the dlls to the existing project (for now using only Limilabs.Mail)
  2. We implemented the basic generation of IMail object

  3. Upon this we receive an exception:

    MESSAGE: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly.
    STACK TRACE: at System.Reflection.Emit.InternalAssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceNames()


1 Answer

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Best answer

Are you seeing this error in VS trace window (or the debugger breakes on this exception)?
Your application stops completely?

Are you using debugger with break all setting? What happens if you simply continue?

My guess is that this exception, doesn't affect you, as I'm almost sure it is caught and handled within Mail.dll.

by (297k points)