+1 vote

I'm using the Fluent interface to render and send an html email, but I can't figure out how to set the reply-to email address. My code is below.

            .From(new MailBox("myemail@email.com", "Me"))
            .To(new MailBox(emailTo))
            .Subject("My Subject Line")

            .WithCredentials("myemail@email.com", "password")")

1 Answer

+1 vote

You need to add IFluentMail.ReplyTo method invocation and specify email address as a parameter:

.ReplyTo(new MailBox(emailReplyTo))

Here's the full code:

        .From(new MailBox("myemail@email.com", "Me"))
        .To(new MailBox(emailTo))
        .ReplyTo(new MailBox(emailReplyTo))   // <---
        .Subject("My Subject Line")

        .WithCredentials("myemail@email.com", "password")")
by (297k points)